venerdì 11 marzo 2011

Space Shuttle

Flown Bandiere Italiana e di missione che hanno volato sullo Space Shuttle. dim. cm 15 x 10 

Il Dr.Franco Malerba primo italiano a volare nello spazio a bordo
dell'STS-46. Payload Specialist per la missione TSS-1.
(dal 31 luglio, 1992 al 7 agosto 1992).

L'equipaggio in una posa ironica, il filo creò non pochi problemi...

STS-58  Columbia Flown Spacelab cold plate support structure fragments.
That fragments was removed during the refurbishment inspection at the Kennedy Space Center on 3rd of March 1994. This CPSS fragments was attached to a Coldplate that is used in liquid cooling loops to provide supplemental cooling for other hardware. Tipically used to cool electronics during experiments where added cooling was required. The CPSS was manufactured by the ERNO-VFW Fooker a subcontractor whit the European Space Agency ESA. ESA had 11 member nations during the SPACELAB development.

Commander  John E. Blaha Fourth spaceflight
Pilot  Richard A. Searfoss First spaceflight Mission Specialist 
1 M. Rhea Seddon Third spaceflight Mission Specialist
2 William S. McArthur First spaceflight Mission Specialist 
3 David A. Wolf First spaceflight Mission Specialist 
4 Shannon W. Lucid Fourth spaceflight Payload Specialist
1 Martin Fettman First spaceflight

Hot Gibson and Rhea Seddon Cape Canaveral

Richard A. Searfoss Cape Cananveral 2009

Flown  Crew Patch 4" UMBERTO GUIDONI & MAURIZIO CHELI  That has been signed by the  crew in gold ink. There is a descriptive label at the bottom that reads: "This STS-75 crew patch was flown aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia, February 22-March 9, 1996, orbiting Earth 252 times, travelling 6.5 million miles.

Il Dr. Umberto Guidoni  secondo  italiano a volare nello spazio a bordo
dell'STS-75. Payload Specialist.

Flown  STS-75, 1996, Mission Patch. 3.5"   "This patch was carried aloft February 22, 1996, on board STS-75, the third in a series of USMP missions dedicated to scientific research in the microgravity environment of space." Signed by the  crew.

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